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"Only a radical change of diet can halt looming food crises. Costs are high now, but rising oil prices will bring enormous problems for a world with appetites that it simply can't sustain"
"The country now emits 18% less than it did in 1990, well inside the Kyoto reduction target of a 12.5% cut, but critics argue that last year's drop is almost entirely due to energy companies burning less coal because it became...
"California-based company XCOR has released details of the rocket plane it hopes will capture a sizeable share of the future space tourism market."
"Web users in China are able to view the BBC News website for the first time in years. So how does the so-called great firewall of China work?"
"It took more than a decade for Europe to finally join the International Space Station partnership with a laboratory in orbit, but in just one month it has shed its "rookie" status and is awaiting the return of the first science...
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