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Oil, climate and the looming food crisis

"Only a radical change of diet can halt looming food crises. Costs are high now, but rising oil prices will bring enormous problems for a world with appetites that it simply can't sustain"


Cut in coal burning brings UK emissions down by 2%

"The country now emits 18% less than it did in 1990, well inside the Kyoto reduction target of a 12.5% cut, but critics argue that last year's drop is almost entirely due to energy companies burning less coal because it became...


Rocket planes seek market share

"California-based company XCOR has released details of the rocket plane it hopes will capture a sizeable share of the future space tourism market."

Category: Space


China's battle to police the web

"Web users in China are able to view the BBC News website for the first time in years. So how does the so-called great firewall of China work?"

Category: Communications


First return for Euro space science

"It took more than a decade for Europe to finally join the International Space Station partnership with a laboratory in orbit, but in just one month it has shed its "rookie" status and is awaiting the return of the first science...

Category: Space

Displaying results 2286 to 2290 out of 2977